I am a member of a few different forums, and some I have posted about this on, and most I have not. Some of you have heard it from me, many of you have not. If you are one of the ones to have heard or read about it all ready then you can feel guilt free about skipping this post, if not, grab a cup of something as it is quiet long! I am receiving e-mail requests about it and this is the easiest way to get it all out at once...
We flew out of Tampa Monday, arriving in the nick of time of course. It didn't help that I had forgotten something and had to turn around when we had all ready left at the last minute!! lol At least I can't blame DH! (This time)
We dropped off the car to learn that we had just missed the shuttle, but luckily, another was almost back and could run us to the airport. If you are planning a trip, I highly suggest
this place for parking!
We checked in with the people who stand outside because it is faster, but when we got to the shuttle, security wouldn't let us through because the man hadn't given me my boarding pass! Oh no! Luckily (again) he saw us coming and met us halfway. We made our flight in time, but it was way to hairy an ordeal for my taste!
We arrived in Houston, but it took us longer to get to our gate than we had anticipated, and we were the last to board that flight. Then! As the plane taxied out on the runway, the tower informs the pilot that there is a weather delay. We sat on the runway for an hour and a half before we could take off, and they had to fly out in a different direction, which of course, takes longer! Yeah me!
So we arrive in McAllen not at 12:30 as had been planned, but at 2:05. Someone had walked off with DH's cell phone the week before, but a nice lady there let my use her phone to contact the shuttle service. Unfortunately, I had to leave a message, and the lady had to go. I say unfortunately because I have had trouble with leaving them messages before. I tried later to use a pay phone, but it was a long distance number, and I do not have a long distance carrier. It also happens that the LDC would not let me just put it on my Visa. Who, I ask, does not accept Visa?? AT&T, that's who!! After an hour of sitting and fretting, I remember that years ago, my Daddy had given me a phone card! It was still valid!! I left another message. We waited ten minutes or so, and I tried again. This time, AT&T decided that they were going to charge me 35 minutes off of my card because I was using a pay phone! That left me with four minutes on the card, and with a fee of 35 minutes to use it (and the fact that they do not accept Visa) this was my last chance. They Answered!! Yeah!
At this point, it is about 4:00, and we decided to go and eat at the only restaurant in the airport. I have to say that the food was good, and the prices were reasonable! The "shuttle" (it is a personal vehicle) finally arrived at 5:15 and we were off!
We went through customs, and I have to say that I was appalled at the sites! I guess it was just culture shock on my part. We saw a "shanty village" that really freaked me out. They were using tarps for walls. I'm just not used to seeing that I guess. For those of you who are planning on, or contemplating going, the back seat is very bumpy!! Take the little pillow as suggested on Dr. Perez's site. I made mine out of a piece of scrap material. It was very easy, and toooo cute!
We got to the hospital, and paid for the shuttle. It was $20 more than the website had stated because of the currant price of gas, but way worth it! The traffic was absolute chaos! People just drive where ever they feel like it it seems! I highly suggest the shuttle service! I couldn't imagine trying to get there without it, let alone getting back out again!
We sat around a little while and then Dr. Levi's little brother came in to meet us. Super nice guy! He speaks fluent English and is very friendly. As we were talking to him, Dr Levi came in and brought a little baby with him! He was so cute! He had bright blue eyes! They wanted to do my surgery that night, but couldn't since I had eaten at the airport. It was decided that we would have the surgery the following evening as originally planned.
We turned in after a stressful day of traveling, and woke the next morning when a nurse came in. She had a sweet gentle spirit, but understands about as much English as I do Spanish. Still, we communicated just fine with gestures and body language. She was there to start my IV and take some blood. This was a very different process than what I am used to here in America. Here, they start the IV and then attach a tube to the one way valve, take it off and add another. Not a very comfortable process to my mind. In Mexico, there is no valve, they let the IV "drain" into the tubes. Much better!! DH and I were thinking that 13 hours of an IV was not going to be much fun when in walks DR Levi's brother again. (I really wish I could remember his name) He was bringing DH a scrub set to wear! They had decided to do my surgery that very morning!! Yikes! All ready?!
Off we go to th OR! I walk in and there are a bunch of men in scrubs sitting around speaking to each other in Spanish, and this is when I get nervous. The nurse leads me to the table and I climb up. One of the men introduces himself and tells me that he is the anesthesiologist. He asks me if I am OK, and I tell him yes, but that I am nervous. He lets me know that he will give me medicine for that through my IV, and I was glad! At this point there are maybe three men in the OR with me, speaking to each other in Spanish. I silently prayed for God to watch over me. I have to be honest here, I was scared to death. The anesthesiologist jesters for me to turn on my side, so I did. He started pushing on my lower back and then between my shoulder blades and I'm thinking, "What is he doing?" Then it hits me that he is about to give me my epidural! Duh! So I assumed the "mad cat" position. He starts saying "Good! Good!" which makes me happy. I am a good patient! Woo Hoo!
After this, I remember very little. I know that at one point I woke up during the surgery in pain. I reached for DH who was right there for me. It meant so much to me that I can not even begin to put it into words. I guess my body metabolizes the medicines really quickly, because this is not the first time that a dr has had to use a lot of anesthetic for my body size. Hopefully it will be one of, if not the last, time I need surgery.
I woke up in bed with the epidural syringe taped to my chest. (Yet another difference between there and here) and needing to pee. This is a problem since not only can I not feel my legs, but they are not responding when I tell them to move either! I contemplate this in my foggy mind for awhile until it starts to hurt a little. (My belly, not my mind) Then I break down and tell DH about it. He says, "That's funny", to which I am overly emotional about my currant dilemma and tell him how not funny it actually is! Then he tells me that it is "funny" because I have a catheter in. OH...I guess that is funny. (Funny weird, not funny haha) In walks the nurse with lunch, and notices that the urine bag needs changed! What timing! Thank you Lord!! After that, and a dose of epidural, I slept again. (Lunch, btw, was WONDERFUL!)
I pretty much slept for the majority of 24 hours, and the next morning I could move my legs again, but had developed a sore spot on one heal from not moving it around. At that point, I think IT hurt worse then my belly! lol
When I had the all clear, they contacted the shuttle for us. DH and I used the time waiting to walk around outside and view the area surrounding the hospital. We even walked up to the little store and bought some Mexican pop to take home to the kids. This was all a little at a time mind you.
The shuttle came about 5:00 and I made sure to sit up front with my little pillow. It was a MUCH easier ride! The driver was very careful over bumps in the road. NOTE to those planning on going: You will have to have an actual passport to get into the states after June of '09! It also takes awhile to GET your passport so plan ahead!
The driver recommended La Quinta Inn in McAllen, and it was a nice place that offers a free shuttle service to the airport. It cost us $85 to stay there for the night after our Sam's club discount. The only bummer was that the room was way in the back, and I was pretty much spent after the ride. There is a good restaurant pretty much next door, so that is where we had dinner. It is supposed to have the best Mexican food around, DH agrees on the quality.
The next morning, the hotel shuttle took us straight to the airport where we acquired a wheelchair, and zipped right on over to our gate. When I had booked my ticket, I told them that I would need wheelchair assistance on the way home, and I am SO glad that I did! They wheel you in and out of the plane, and they have a cart pick you up and take you from gate to gate. I do suggest that you take a lot of singles as everyone "wants" a tip! I think it cost us 20 bucks to switch planes in Houston! lol
When we finally arrived back in Tampa, we get our bags and the shuttle was just about to leave when we got there. I think the only reason the guy stopped was because I was in a wheelchair, lol. He took us to the parking facility, and we drove home! Easy-peasy!!
All in all, with plane tickets, the surgery, eating out, everything it ran us about $3500. That includes the extra that had to be spent on the anesthetic! Not bad considering what it would have cost to have someone with less experience do it here. More hassle? Yeah, I'd say so with the traveling, but I would have had to travel to get a reputable dr. here anyway, and would have spent considerably more.
The pain was a lot more than I had anticipated. It is often compared with that of a C-Section, which I have never had. I have seen people that had one, and I think that with the section, you have a baby, and the post-birth glow to distract you. After about two weeks, I finally feel like I have turned a corner, and I am almost "normal" again. I will have to work extra hard at doing little to nothing for the next four weeks.
DH and DC are very supportive, and are taking the extra chores in stride. I am very proud of them! They all have really stepped up to help out, and I am greatful! Hopefully, Lord willing, I will be posting sometime this year about my pregnancy!
Oh, the following is a list of vitamins that I started taking after I came home, in addition to Tylenol PM and plain old ibuprofen.
- Antibiotic (dr gave them to me, and I started them that day)
- Multivitamin (just makes good sense)
- Acidophilus (helps keep your intestinal tract in balance after all the meds)
- Calcium (helps with tissue repair)
- Garlic (natural antibiotic)
- Vitamin C (boosts your imune system)
- Vitamin E (tissue repair)
- B12 (I take this to help prevent anemia)
- A&D (helps absorb calcium, and aids tissues)
- Co Q 10 (helps fight buggies)
It is not a fun regimen, but I'd rather not take any chances! At this point I take five vitamins four times a day! Hey, at least I'm getting in my water for the day! Speaking of vitamins, it is time for round two...