I want to Thank You

I love when readers leave their comments! I really enjoy reading them! I do moderate all of them before they go up and wanted to let you know that those with my name, or my family members names will not be posted. I try to keep a modicum of anonymity on the net. You can just call me BigM, or refer to the kids as "A, BR or little J (A.K.A Biscuit)" thank you for understanding!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

I got it!!! (and other updates)

I went with your advice dear readers and ordered desk No. 3!! I ended up getting it for a total of $137 after taxes and shipping!! Woo hoo!! It was ordered on Sunday the 10th with an expected arrival date of Tuesday (?) the 18th. I was a bit disappointed that it would take that long but hey, what can ya do?

To keep me busy, on Tuesday, my order of round tins came in for my spices!! Woo hoo!! I was so excited I tore open the box immediately...

I got three different sizes, though they had many to choose from...

And got to work. First I dug out my spices. These are just a few...

Then I labeled them with permanent marker...

And filled them up...

Next came the tricky part. Super glue. I hate the stuff, or rather my evident lack of ability to use it without gluing myself to... myself. I did ok this time though. I used a Q-Tip to apply the glue and only got stuck to something or other about a dozen times or so.

(*A* took this pic so it's a little blurry but you get the idea.)

I also glued strips to the inside of a cabinet to attach them to. It worked out beautifully, but the glue is not adhering to the cabinet like I want it to so I will use my staple gun on them later today. Remember the movie "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase hanging his lights?? Pray for me...

I can not believe how cool this project turned out!! It is going to open up an entire cabinet for me!! Any spices that didn't fit will go in a tub to be stored else where until needed for a refill.

Here is a random pic of Bear, the puppy that was born in October..

While working on this project I got a call from my FIL saying that my desk had arrived all ready!! I hot footed it over there only to discover that it was just one of the two boxes. :( Knowing that with my luck, box two would wait until the 18th to get here.

Then last night I got another call from Dear FIL. That's right... the second box has arrived!! I'm supposed to go pick it up today, but I think I'll call him and ask if he can drop it off for me. I won't be able to lift it out of the truck once I got it home, and I'd like to get started on putting it together today if at all possible. Wish me "luck"!

I'm so very excited!


P.S. If you decide to try this just let me add... USE INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH VELCRO... MAKE SURE NOT TO MIX AND MATCH VELCRO TYPES!! lol If the fuzzy part doesn't match the "sticky" they will fall off if you put force behind opening the cabinet. Probably not a big deal in a house, but in a camper??? The cabinets are made so that they will not open during transport so....


Sunday, January 3, 2010

I need your help!!

OK, so we didn't get into the camper on time. Things happen. :( However we have made progress since CHRISTmas. Things I HAVE accomplished are

~lining the cabinets and drawers
~all of the painting is completed
~ flooring into the kids room, and on the slide out floor
~the table is put together, but DH and I can not agree on how to fit it in. (It isn't going to fit where I had originally planned unless I don't want to use my best cabinet.)
~first roofing coat is on (though we have to wait for the weather to warm up before applying the second coat)
~bought a new refrigerator (at a discount I might add!)

So dear blog land, I now need your help with computer desks. I need something small, but not compact, with storage (if possible) at a good price. I'm going to put in a picture of the flooring where it will go and the table that will be (sort of) next to it. Then pictures, or links if that won't work, of my top three choices with the pros and cons I see of each one.

First, the table...

And this is where the desk will sit...

Now for the desk options...

No. 1~ It is the "right" color and price range, but has absolutely no storage capabilities at all.

No. 2~ Doesn't match, has no real storage but is on sale this week for 15% off.

No.3~ Has useful storage, good size, wrong color (but matches the bed I will be putting opposite of it). The price isn't "great", but my Father-In-Law gets a discount so that helps. This is my favorite option but DH thinks it is to spend-ie. *I* think that the price is within range given what you get.

So, dear readers, what do you choose?