Hello Blog Land!! I'm sorry my posting has been so sporadic, but I've been using my "feel good" time in other areas lately. Like reclaiming the house, home schooling, heck, I even went grocery shopping yesterday! Yeah ME!! Today, however the family went garage sale-ing!! (lol the 'puter doesn't like my "isms")
It was awesome!! Anytime we go "hunting" I take a few minutes to pack a soft cooler with waters, and snacks for the kids. It has never failed me! It not only saves me money, but it also saves me time! (not to mention avoiding the whinnies)
Yesterday while out and about I saw that one of the local churches was having a rummage sale. Those tend to be the best because of...
a) the size/number of participants
b)proximity/organization of the items and
c) the prices tend to be good enough that I don't feel the need to haggle. (haggling at a church function is generally frowned upon, but it can be done)
I like to have a list of items to look for in mind before hand. It helps to keep me "in check". Today I was looking for
1) play pen (I actually need three)
2) big enamel pans for making soap
3) utensils for soap making
4) I am always looking for any books that the kids can use, or that would help us on our HS journey.
5) Also, clothes that are in good condition (for a good price) are a given as well.
When DH got home from work I told him that I wanted to check out the church sale, and he mentioned a sale that he had passed on his way home. I have to admit that I was more than a little perturbed when he wanted to take a nap first, but I knew that we would all appreciate it if he took one. ;) He "finally" got up about ten, because I was insisting that "all the good stuff is going to be GONE" (lol in FL most sales are completely over by 1:30)
We went to the sale he passed on his way home first. It was a pretty good sale. I scored the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting" (just being hopeful), a wire strainer with a ring on the bottom so it will sit on it's own (much needed here) and best of all, I got DS's baseball uniform for his upcoming Tap Recital!! I got him a jersey, and the pants for $2!! I even picked up an extra pair of baseball pants in case one of the other kids can't find any! Rock ON! His dance teacher will be just as stoked as I am about it!
Then we headed toward the church sale. We stopped at another on the way, but only got DD1 a purse for 50 cents. Of course, as soon as we passed Wendy's it was "I'm hungry, I'm thirsty". Dunt-da-da-duhn!! I whip out the cooler!! Ha Ha! Money and time saved!! (I'll be it not what the kiddies had in mind)
Just as I suspected, the rummage sale was a gold mine!! By the time we go there, they had reduced everything to half the sticker price! Woo Hoo! We ended up getting...
- A BRAND NEW pasta maker for $4
- Much needed (not! lol) speakers $5
- Books books books
- Material enough for at least 4-5 dresses
- A HUGE enamel pot (one list item down) $1.50
- A hand blender for soaping (list item two) 50 cents
- A bag of clothes for the kids $2
- A pack and play (yeah another list item) $7.50
- An old school desk $7.50
- A tent $5
- A couple of nice wicker baskets for projects I have in mind 25 Cent FOR BOTH!!
After the church we stopped at two more sales. At the first I got four baby outfits (again wishful thinking, but who can pass up Carters at 50 cents a piece?) and DH got an awesome deal on a really good knife and a bamboo cutting board.
DH went nuts at the very last sale. A lady who used to have a western wear store was selling the last of her merchandise. He bought a couple of REALLY nice shirts and a kick awesome belt buckle. I bought a pair of itty-bitty wrangler jeans. They are size 1T. Sooo cute! DH just left to go back and get matching belts for himself and DS. It is going to make a GREAT birthday gift for DS next month! (Shhh, don't tell DS)
All in all, I knocked out my entire list plus some nice extras! We spent a total of $44 at the church. Granted, it was not all necessity, but it is nice to get wants sometimes too. OH, btw, I need one pack n' play for my baby chickens that we just got, and I will need two more because it looks like I'm going to pick up two new loaner babies!! My house is going to be so full! I will have a 6mo, 1 1/2 yo and a 2 1/2 yo in addition to my three, the dog (who is a lot like another kid) and 12 baby chicks!! lol What fun!!
I love a great deal! Shoot, who doesn't?? The thrill of the hunt is just as sweet as the kill if you ask me! Even if you don't get to haggle!