I want to Thank You

I love when readers leave their comments! I really enjoy reading them! I do moderate all of them before they go up and wanted to let you know that those with my name, or my family members names will not be posted. I try to keep a modicum of anonymity on the net. You can just call me BigM, or refer to the kids as "A, BR or little J (A.K.A Biscuit)" thank you for understanding!


Sunday, January 3, 2010

I need your help!!

OK, so we didn't get into the camper on time. Things happen. :( However we have made progress since CHRISTmas. Things I HAVE accomplished are

~lining the cabinets and drawers
~all of the painting is completed
~ flooring into the kids room, and on the slide out floor
~the table is put together, but DH and I can not agree on how to fit it in. (It isn't going to fit where I had originally planned unless I don't want to use my best cabinet.)
~first roofing coat is on (though we have to wait for the weather to warm up before applying the second coat)
~bought a new refrigerator (at a discount I might add!)

So dear blog land, I now need your help with computer desks. I need something small, but not compact, with storage (if possible) at a good price. I'm going to put in a picture of the flooring where it will go and the table that will be (sort of) next to it. Then pictures, or links if that won't work, of my top three choices with the pros and cons I see of each one.

First, the table...

And this is where the desk will sit...

Now for the desk options...

No. 1~ It is the "right" color and price range, but has absolutely no storage capabilities at all.

No. 2~ Doesn't match, has no real storage but is on sale this week for 15% off.

No.3~ Has useful storage, good size, wrong color (but matches the bed I will be putting opposite of it). The price isn't "great", but my Father-In-Law gets a discount so that helps. This is my favorite option but DH thinks it is to spend-ie. *I* think that the price is within range given what you get.

So, dear readers, what do you choose?


Sandra said...

Personally, I would go with number one and put "my own" storage beneath as I found what would work.

BigM said...

Thanks for the idea Sandra. Did you put your vote in??

Michelle said...

I voted for number 1 and would put storage beside it - something like this: http://www.target.com/White-Sterilite-4-Drawer-Plastic-Wheels/dp/B0006O0EE2/ref=sc_ri_3

Sprudeln said...

I like the looks of #1, but I think the storage in #3 is well worth the extra money.

In my last apartment in the US, I had a regular table as a desk and put separate drawers next to it, but they never matched quite right and the separate unit broke after a little while (I didn't want to shell out too much $ on it). Looking back, I would have been better off just buying a decent desk with drawers.

Evelyn said...

I think number 3 will have everything you need and it really isn't that bad a price, well worth it.