My Oldest little brother had his first baby. A beautiful boy who looks just like him!
This is my littlest little bro and my nephew.
We have found a really cool church. We have been very involved with it and Love it! The kids were all Baptized the Sunday after Easter. Unfortunately the pics didn't turn out. :(
DH "dropped" two, count 'em two, wild hogs in the yard and then we processed them into the freezer. I also got my first try at making chorizo (which we didn't care for, my fault I think), and breakfast sausage. THAT was good stuff now!
BR turned 11. She had a really cool "Beach Themed" party with a beach ball pinata, bubbles and a "sand castle" cake.
Little J joined scouts and had his 10th birthday. His theme was "A Campfire". We made some REALLY cool hot dog cookers and his cake was awesome!
DH and I celebrated another anniversary at the end of May.
We went to the "Annual Rib Fest" where we say Charlie Daniels play. That was WAAAAYYYY coool!
We started a new Sunday School class called "God's Garden" for special needs kids. It really hasn't taken off but I'm still hopeful.
Somewhere in there I started taking Aikido. I enjoy it immensely! A couple of weeks ago I got my first Aikido belt. I'm super excited! As long as my attacker is standing still I can defend myself!
I made a friend from Scouts and our families got together and went swimming at the river. They are a HSing family with a SN kid too, so they are really easy to talk to.
Everyone has made new friends through the church. We house sat for some of them over the4th of July. That is when we were adopted by our cat, Bobby. He is half bob-cat and uber~cute (now)! When he found me he had fleas crawling out of his eyes, ear mites and looked like he hadn't eaten in awhile. He was also developing bald spots from the fleas. We got him cleaned up with some good ol' Dawn tho, and now he's healthy as the rest of us, and just as ornery! lol That is also the weekend I sang at church for the first time. I was nervous but got through it ok. I did well enough that they asked me to sing again.
We went and saw our first baseball game! The Mariners. I LOVED it! Much better than watching it on TV!
Our freezer quit working. By the time I realized it everything in it was thawed completely. So we had a cookout and then I did what I could with the rest. I canned two whole chickens and the broth they made. All in all we lost very little!
We took both dogs in to get "fixed" at the beginning of August. Bear doesn't seem to be doing very well. I'm actually a bit concerned for him.
Doesn't he look about pitiful??
We attend family movie night most every month at church and DH runs the popcorn machine. It generally is a really good time!
Before Aikido class, I plan to practice singing "Alabaster Box". I'm supposed to sing it this weekend. Pastor "walked in" on me practicing last week and then asked me to plan something once a month for the next 6 or 7 months. I guess I'm part of the music ministry now! Woohoo! Now to pick the songs!
I think that just about covers it. I'll probably think of more later. Like how we went to a rodeo and the kids got to participate. Or how A got to try riding a sheep.
Or BR's new glasses that we got from here.
Or the time we made a solar cooker out of a pizza box and then made lunch in it!
Maybe about the church's ball field that DH has adopted. Ooo! Ooo! Or that we joined a kick ball league! I guess that doesn't really count since it hasn't started yet. You know, my life really isn't as boring as it seems, at least not from a distance!
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