I want to Thank You

I love when readers leave their comments! I really enjoy reading them! I do moderate all of them before they go up and wanted to let you know that those with my name, or my family members names will not be posted. I try to keep a modicum of anonymity on the net. You can just call me BigM, or refer to the kids as "A, BR or little J (A.K.A Biscuit)" thank you for understanding!


Monday, November 3, 2008

Unassisted Miscarriage

Our baby has gone back home to heaven. It's all I can say. I am sad to not have met that beautiful face, and yet rejoice at another soul going home to Him.

I had started spotting last Monday after a day of pain and discomfort. I had gone to the ER where the staff was more or less indifferent. I wish I could say that it was just the staff at this particular hospital, but having talked to others I know better than that.

I stayed home on bed rest that whole week praying that this would pass and a healthy baby would result. Alas that was not to be. This morning I awoke feeling terribly crampy and not just spotting, but now bleeding lightly and I knew it was time. I lay in bed with DH and cried. I cried not only for the physical pain, but for the lose of my baby that I knew was soon to come. I also knew that I did NOT want to go back to that cold indifferent hospital to be treated like it didn't matter. It does matter. It matters to me and my family!

At 6:45, I went into the bathroom and passed what was obviously meant to be the placenta. Had it been whole and full if life it may have been the size of a small plum. It was awful, beautiful and awe inspiring.

I'm feeling a bit better physically. The cramps are letting up (thank you God). My heart still hurts for never having met my little person, but I find tremendous comfort in knowing that God knows what He is doing. I do not know what that baby's life would have been like, and I never will this side of Heaven, but I look forward to meeting him or her again for the first time when I get there. I want to thank God for giving me the chance to be a Mommy again, if only for a very short while.



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Michelle. You are showing so much strength that it is amazing. You will be in my prayers.


Unknown said...

{{{hugs}}} I am so sorry for your the loss of your little one. I know how much that hurts. Even though we know our babies are safe in Heaven, it hurts so much when we can't keep them here with us
:( I am praying for Heavenly Father to bring you comfort during this most painful time.

Your sis in Christ,

Ella said...

Your in my prayers dear.