I want to Thank You

I love when readers leave their comments! I really enjoy reading them! I do moderate all of them before they go up and wanted to let you know that those with my name, or my family members names will not be posted. I try to keep a modicum of anonymity on the net. You can just call me BigM, or refer to the kids as "A, BR or little J (A.K.A Biscuit)" thank you for understanding!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Movin' on up!

I LOVE hs'ing the kids. Even on tough days when I'm not feeling well and they think they can get away with not doing their work. ( Ask them how that works out, lol). We usually work through the summer so we can take more breaks that are longer through out the year, and this summer is no exception.

We are at the end of our first "official" curriculum! With all of the outside struggles we had last year it took longer than expected, but we did it!!! Barring any unforeseeable circumstances our last day will be no later than the 30th of this month. I ordered our next curriculum a couple of months ago, and I am really looking forward to getting it going. We will be doing "A New World of Adventure" which picks up where "A World of Adventure" left off. We will begin with the colonies and learn about American history up until just after the Revolutionary War.

I like these unit studies because they cover all subjects except math and typing. We get to read loads of classic literature and, because of the way it's set up, I can teach different levels at one time. I just give each child access to their level of "text books" (a.k.a. library books) to supplement what we learned about that day. I also like that we "relearn" and "reuse" the different parts of grammar several times. This helps reinforce what we've all ready learned and commit it to memory better!

For math we use "Math U See". I really like that it covers different learning styles to better help all kids. This is really handy for those of us with special needs or learning disabilities! Each level comes with a teaching DVD for your child to watch, and then do the corresponding work sheets. It is also very tactile because you can buy block sets to help your child grasp any given aspect of what they are learning. They get to see it, hear it, manipulate it and do it. Very cool! I'm very happy to announce that I ordered our next work book sets today and am eagerly anticipating each child "movin' on up" very soon!


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