I want to Thank You

I love when readers leave their comments! I really enjoy reading them! I do moderate all of them before they go up and wanted to let you know that those with my name, or my family members names will not be posted. I try to keep a modicum of anonymity on the net. You can just call me BigM, or refer to the kids as "A, BR or little J (A.K.A Biscuit)" thank you for understanding!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Organized Packing

The Big M family is up for yet another adventure soon! I will post about it specifically sometime in the next month or so, but for now....

How to pack and save your sanity!! lol

No, we are not moving right now, we are here until our lease is up in February, but I'm not going to be caught off guard! (again, lol) So I've started to pack using a method I got from the Duggar book (which came from another book). You start with the things you really don't have to have out. You know what I'm talking about, books you never got around to reading, but swear you will, nick-knacks and such. (You know, the really important stuff...)

For this project you are going to need the following...

1) File boxes (how many will depend on how much you have)
2) Note card Binder
3) Hole punched Note Cards
4) Pencil w/ an eraser
5) Crayons
6) Zip top snack bag (optional, but really helpful)

Ok, now that you have these things on hand we will get started.

Step one, put your note cards in the binder, and put holes on HALF of the top flap of your zip top. (If you choose not to go this route, then just ignore that...) Put the bag in the binder making sure you can still open it (the bag, not the binder). Then put your crayons and a pencil in it (you may also want a sharpener, but I didn't add one to mine).

Step two... Using file boxes solves a couple of problems. One, they are a really good size, which makes them hard to over load, and two, you can stack about 500 pounds on top and not have to worry! Now put one box together. Go ahead, I'll wait..... Got it?? Good! Now, decide what types of things you will put in the box, and assign those things a color.

I will be using books for my tutorial today... Now, step three, assign that box a number, and write it on all four sides of the box it it's color...

Step four is to write that number on your card (in its color) and start loading the box. As you load it, write down what you are adding in pencil...

Since this box is all one type of book, I added that to the card and the box but it isn't really necessary. When I put the box in it's storage space, I will add that to the card (in pencil) as well. This is necessary, so that you will be able to find it when you need to. Now, any time you need something, you look it up, go to the box and remove it, erasing it from the card until you put it back!

I'm finding this very helpful and worth the time it takes. I hope you do as well!!



Ella said...

Awesome post ! And I so need this. I have things in two housees right now and really don't feel like unpacking alot. I am trying to decide just exactly what I use and what can remain "packed"
Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, GG

BigM said...

Glad to be of help!!
