I want to Thank You

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Home Made Powdered Detergent

I want to start out by saying that I was a bit dubious about powdered detergent. I've had problems with store bought detergents leaving residue on our clothes in the past. BUT... my friend who gave me this recipe (thanks Cyndi) didn't have that problem so I thought I'd give it a go.

You will need...

(one part Borax, 1 part Washing Soda and 2 parts soap)

1 bar of Ivory Soap *
1/2 Cup Washing Soda
1/2 Cup Borax
A food Processor (you could do it by hand, but who has the time?!)

Start by putting your shredding blade on your FP. Stick your soap in there and let it fly!! With the flakes still in there and shredded, take off the shredding blade and put on your chopping blade. Now add your powders and give that a good whirl. Voila! Just add two table spoons to the washer while it is filling up and then add your clothes! It works GREAT!!

*you can use others, but one bar of Ivory works out to be the 1 Cup the recipe calls for.

Making my own seems to be rewarding and more frugal than buying it at the store. Plus I'm cutting out the "extra" chemicals store brands have to offer! I spent roughly $10 on supplies to make a triple batch, but have PLENTY of Borax and Washing Soda to make more and to use for other things. So really, the up front cost is (about) the same, but you get way more in the long run. BTW, I got all of my ingredients at Wal Mart except for the Washing Soda. I had to go to another local grocery store to buy that.

Have fun being that much more self sufficient!!


1 comment:

Moirakris said...

I am going to try this one! I had a recipe for liquid one but the powdered kind will just be easier to handle I think