I want to Thank You

I love when readers leave their comments! I really enjoy reading them! I do moderate all of them before they go up and wanted to let you know that those with my name, or my family members names will not be posted. I try to keep a modicum of anonymity on the net. You can just call me BigM, or refer to the kids as "A, BR or little J (A.K.A Biscuit)" thank you for understanding!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Rainy days and Mondays

Always get meeeeee dooooowwwwnnnnn.....
(Name that tune)

Grey days...ugh.... They are hard enough without them falling on a Monday as well. Most people who do not know a HS (home school) family have one of two images of it drawn in their imaginations. One, where the kids are unhappy and being brain washed by psycho parents and no interaction with the outside world, or two, long haired hippies living in a commune and not really teaching their kids anything of value. While I'm sure they exist, I've not met any of these types of HSers.

The reality is that most of us are normal (neurologically speaking) people with our own challenges and faults. For our family, rainy days and Mondays are two of our challenges. Getting back into the swing of things after the weekend is always rough. DD1, being on the spectrum, has to try to get away with not doing her work every time. Forget that it never works, forget that we re-learn that it wont work every week. Doesn't matter. Not to her. She needs to try over and over just to make sure.

Rainy days are a different challenge. On rainy days we tend to feel more sluggish. I've tried more coffee... turning on all the lights... pumping up the feel good music....all I really want to do is lay in my bed and snooze... Sometimes we take a "Grey Day" off and do just that. Snuggle in my big comfy bed together and watch educational shows and nothing else. Ahhh, the warmth of it!! I figure if northern schools can have snow days, and PSers can have hurricane days, we can have our occasional Grey Days. Anyone who says different can bite a rock.

The biggest challenge is a rainy Monday. These are the worst in my mind. DD1 wants to fight and argue and I (among others) am feeling to dragged down to deal with it. However, I can't let that stop me. No way no how. Then she'll think she won and I'll never get any piece. It will turn into a struggle everyday of the week. Sad, but true.

Today is one of those days. It's grey, rainy, nasty and we are coming off of a weekend. To aggravate matters, we are learning how to take notes and write a biography. Writing is not A's strong suit, so it is a fight under the best of circumstances. We will plug through, one way or another, and all the while, I'll be humming under my breath....

Rainy days and Mondays always get meeeee dooooowwwwwnnnnn......


1 comment:

Aunt Mary said...

Hello stranger! Sorry I haven't written lately. Hope your family is doing well. You are so talented and show such originality in your creative ways. Your blog is always interesting to read. Sorry we haven't been down to see you all. Roger has been without work for almost two years now. I work here and there, but mostly I haven't been working. Come see us sometime. With love, Aunt Mary