I want to Thank You

I love when readers leave their comments! I really enjoy reading them! I do moderate all of them before they go up and wanted to let you know that those with my name, or my family members names will not be posted. I try to keep a modicum of anonymity on the net. You can just call me BigM, or refer to the kids as "A, BR or little J (A.K.A Biscuit)" thank you for understanding!


Monday, October 5, 2009

New Puppy!

We suspected that our fur baby was expecting. She was changing shape but was not "Really" big so I figured that we could expect a litter in late October. She had other ideas!

On the first I noticed that she was not a happy camper. If you touched her mid section she would yelp in pain. I decided that she was stretching and therefore, sore. Then at 10:30 as we were at the home school table, she started yelping repeatedly from my bedroom. I run in to find her in my closet. When I picked her up I saw (to my surprise) a puppy rump!

Needless to say I was caught a bit unprepared! I had planned to do more research to refresh my memory that weekend and to make a vet appointment for the following week. Now here I am without a whelping box ready to go or any supplies at hand. I had the kids run and get me a couple of towels, the scissors and some rubber medical gloves and waited to see what would happen next.

Before the kids could get me the towels Gracie yelped in pain with the next contraction. I noticed that the puppy didn't move down at all and realized that the poor thing was stuck so I gave a gentle tug to move him along and waited. Then the towels came so I tried to hastily get them under the dog before the next contraction. No such luck.

The next contraction came and, though Gracie yelped a bit, he moved down, but not out. "This isn't good," I thought as I saw it was basically hanging by it's head. Next contraction and poor Gracie yelped repeatedly and the puppy didn't move. I grabbed a hold and applied traction but the cord was pulled taught. Grabbing the scissors I cut the cord with one hand while supporting the puppy with the other. Next contraction and (with a bit more force than I would have liked) I pulled downward on the puppy. With a pop I could both feel and hear it's head come free and Voila! A brand new puppy!

I stuck it in Gracie's face, but she was in pain and confused so I cleared the membrane and tried again. This time instinct kicked in and she started caring for her new charge. I put the puppy on the towels and put the whelping box together and moved them both in.

Gracie is now the VERY proud momma of a baby boy Lhasa-Poo who weighed 6 ounces at birth. The vet has given them a clean bill of health and both are doing great! Upon last inspection at 48 hours old, the puppy had gained another 2 ounces due to Gracie's superior milk.

*Update~ 4 days, 10 ounces

*Update~ 12 days old, weighing in at 1 1/2 LB! His eyes officially opened today!

At birth he was a wee-bit smaller than my hand.

Now look at him!!

We hope to find a great home for this little guy. (Just don't tell Gracie!)


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