I want to Thank You

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The bank screwed up the deposit I made and over drafted me last week which incurs a fee. I called the bank and the lady said to go ahead and transfer my money back to my savings and she would reverse the fee. Great! So that's what I did.

FF to today. I check my account and....get this... they charged me to transfer money out of my savings, to cover them transferring money into my savings. What?!?! Ugh. I'm to tired for this crap. Now I'm still out the fee. It made my brain hurt just to look at the cluster they created. You can bet I'll be calling them first thing tomorrow.

I think I'm going to start looking onto a different bank. We went to this one because their customer service was outstanding. Since then their standards have lowered and now....not so much. They charge me $7 every month because my employer doesn't have direct deposit, and if I don't have X amount in savings they charge me for that as well every month. I do get free checks but we haven't used half a box in the three years we've had an account with them. Gee, free checks, or free checking? Not hard to do the math on that one!

OK blog land. I'm tired and I need to restif I'm going to be able to watch the season premiere of House tonight.


1 comment:

Thursday's Child said...

Sometimes I really hate banks. If it wasn't for being required to have an account to be paid by direct deposit (also it's the law so employers have to leave a trail proving they're paying you) I would be tempted not to have one.