I want to Thank You

I love when readers leave their comments! I really enjoy reading them! I do moderate all of them before they go up and wanted to let you know that those with my name, or my family members names will not be posted. I try to keep a modicum of anonymity on the net. You can just call me BigM, or refer to the kids as "A, BR or little J (A.K.A Biscuit)" thank you for understanding!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hey ya'll!! You wouldn't believe my day yesterday!! Wow!! Technically, it started on Tuesday night. DH found a dog for me on Craig's List. He talked with the owner, and they decided to let the dog spend a couple of days with us to see if we fit together. How about....NO!!! For starters, the dog is very food aggressive. It went so far as to jump up in the seat next to DD2 when she was eating at our table! Yikes! Later, after the kiddies were in bed, I went down the hall and stepped in something wet. You guessed it! He peed on my floor, AND on my rug a friend had brought back from Iraq!! I was soooo steamed!! I suggested that we put up the baby gate to keep him in the kitchen. He barked to the point that DH was afraid he would wake the kids. We let him out thinking that we just hadn't taken him out fast enough. He kept me up all night long parking his shaved butt ON my face!! Dumb dog! Huh, maybe that was his plan all along!! Keep me up alllll night so that I would get no rest!! I'll bet that was it!

All of a sudden....KABLAM!!!! Lightening strikes right outside our house!!! It woke everyone in the house! I even had to wash the sheets!! I stagger into the kitchen to get my morning coffee, and lo and behold....PEE! It's freakin' EVERYWHERE!! He even went on one of the kid's beds! "That is IT!" I yell, "Where is it?? Where is that dog!?"

DH tells me to not kill the dog, and reminds me that he doesn't belong to us.

"Fine," I say, "You call that guy and tell him to come and get this mutt! I don't care if he has to take off work, just come and get him! And please put him out on a chain for now. I don't want him to bite the baby because she has food or something."

Now, I know that this all sounds really harsh, but you have to remember that I hadn't had my coffee yet. I mean, really! What can one expect! So at 5am, my loving DH puts the dog on a chain.

It is at this point he starts to bark...and bark...and bark...and bark...and, you get the picture?? He barked literally all day long! Where IS that guy anyway!! Holy cow! The day just gets longer and longer. I'm stuck at home because the van blew a head gasket, the computer is out, (which means the phone is out), the Baby is sick, DD1 is sick, the flies...Oh the FLIES!!!

That stupid flycatcher doesn't work, and they are telling me that it is because it is inside not out. Now tell me, how does it know? Anyway, I digress...

DH finally comes home to find that not only is the box for the internet smoked from the lightening (remember the lightening) but so is the router for the phone. Cha-ching, Cha-ching! Money is never enough, kwim?? (know what I mean) I ask about the dog going home, and DH says he hadn't been able to reach the guy. Great! That was probably his plan! Sure, let the dog stay "a couple of days", then he runs like the wind, never to be seen again!!

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