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Friday, February 29, 2008

What IS submission??

Unfortunately women today have been so bombarded by the feminists movement that submission has become a dirty word. The general consensus is that any woman who submits to any man is a doormat. That is NOT the case. Anyone who knows me, for instance, will tell you that I am anything but. I borrowed this post from a sister at PH named "Jess" and posted it here with her permission. Anything italicized in this post is something that I have added. My hope is that those of you who read it can learn more about Biblical submission, and free yourselves by following it. God will bless you for it EVEN IF YOUR DH IS NOT CHRISTIAN!!

Basically, submission in a nutshell is this:

-You still have opinions.
-You still have rights.
-You are still a partner with your husband.
-You do not nag, manipulate, or otherwise "push" to get your way if your husband disagrees with you on an issue.
-You can offer suggestions and ideas to your dh, but if he says he'd rather do it such-and-such a way, then you follow his lead.
-You recognize that not always having your way doesn't mean that you are a doormat.
-You do not take submission to the point of allowing your husband to abuse you.
-You recognize that submission is not handing all of the responsibility over to your husband and saying "have fun with the bills honey!". For some women submission means doing as her husband asks and handling all the finances. For some women, submission means letting him handle the finances b/c that is what he prefers. (even if you think you will be better at it)
-You realize that to be submissive doesn't mean that you cannot work inside or outside of the home. It is an issue between you and your husband, and whatever he prefers is in your best interest.

It means if you are discussing a new car and you want the blue one and he wants the yellow and you've stated all the reasons that you think the blue is a better choice and he still disagrees, you drop it, and let him get the yellow, even if you don't think it's a good idea or just plain don't like the yellow one. (If it is proven later that you were "right", keep your mouth shut)

Submission is easier for some women who have husbands who greatly value their opinions, but we are all told to submit.

The Bible tells wives to submit to your OWN husband, not just any man, so it in no way means that you act inferior to men. The idea is to recognize that your God calls your husband your "head", that he is your leader, when push comes to shove.

The Bible tells men to "love your wives as Christ loves the church", also, and that's a really good picture of how it should be...submission shouldn't leave you cowering in a corner, and if it does, your husband is being abusive, and that's not okay. (again, even if he is not a Christian, you are called to submit)

Now, as for the "equally yoked" thing, it's simple. Most will agree that God was talking about marrying an unbeliever, b/c he follows that verse with "for what fellowship hath darkness with light", and talking about righteousness. The basic idea is that as a believer, it's gonna be harder if you marry an unbeliever. The unequally yoked comment immediately brings up the image of a donkey and a bull trying to pull a cart using the same "yoke". One is going to be way ahead and one lagging behind and they will struggle much before getting where they are headed.

So you hear that, and you're a believer and he isn't, does that mean you divorce him? NO. In fact the Bible also tells us that if any wives have unbelieving husbands, that we are to "win him with our actions" or something like that. Basically that we are to show him God's love, and live our lives above reproach so that he respects us and wants the joy that we have in our lives.

That pretty much sums it up. If you have a view or opinion on this, feel free to leave a comment.

Have a blessed day!


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